
18 September 2010

Field Visit Review

Pictures speak a thousand words. Below are pictures from two of my four days out on the field. I had a fabulous time interacting with the participants of four CBOs. The women that comprise these organizations are strong, taking care of their children and/or grandchildren in addition to farming or other income activities. They are mostly farmers that are learning sewing, crafts, or baking skills to supplement their income.

One of the women apart of a tailoring class hard at work.

Ida in her home. She was showing me all of her beaded necklaces.

Three women involved in the Bread Basket Project

The process of baking bread in the village!

In personal news, as a result of the power and water being out for nearly 48 hours, I found the fastest Internet in town. It is at a medieval restaurant where the waiters dress up in bright green peasant shirts and have theatre on weekend nights. Its great! (Not to mention, mzungu (white) food that is served is fabulous!)

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